A Scarf Connecting People Around the World – Ralu Fine Art


Ready for a behind the scenes story? 

Einstein said once ‘Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.’ Everything around is energy. My biggest wish was for my scarves to bring joy into people’s lives and moreover for those getting my scarves to feel the scarf energy and the highest vibration of love as they are made with passion and care.

How ‘A Day in Paris’ RaluFineArt scarf connected amazing ladies around the world.

A client of mine from Washington DC bought from my shop ‘A Day in Paris’ scarf.

As soon as I posted the photo of her with the scarf, a friend of her from Texas US saw the post and contacted me. She bought the same scarf as a gift for her friend in Paris, France.

In parallel another lady from Brussels gets my scarf, the same scarf. And without me knowing it connects with the lady from Paris who got my scarf. Both being my scarves fans and following my social media account.
Few months later the lady from Brussels decides to meet for the first time in her life the lady from France in Paris (the same lady that got my scarf as a gift).
Moreover both in love with the scarf they agree that in order to recognize each other one of them to wear my scarf.

And I found out about this by being tagged on Instagram on their posts. I got connected with all these amazing ladies from Washington DC, Texas US, Brussels and Paris that I love them to the moon and back.

Photos directly from Le Choupinet Paris where the two ladies met. How cool is that?! I’m loving it! Thank you ladies!

A big thank you for all my scarves fans and supporters and all these incredible stories that reach me about how much my scarves are loved and how they help people to connect. 

Find the scarf you will love with RaluFineArt and share with me your story. 

Till next time

Ralu xx

November 21, 2022 — malina catoiu